1. Reimburse a single report
  2. Send batch payments
    1. Step 1: Verify currency & reimbursement settings
    2. Step 2: Download and upload the ABA file
  3. FAQ

Reimburse Australian Reports

Expensify Classic

Workspace Admins can reimburse AUD expense reports by downloading an .aba file containing the accounts needing payment and uploading the file to the bank. This can be done for a single report or for a batch of payments at once.

Your financial institution may require .aba files to include a self-balancing transaction. If you are unsure, check with your bank. Otherwise, the .aba file may not work with your bank’s internet banking platform.

Reimburse a single report

  1. Open the report, invoice, or bill from the email or Concierge notification, or from the Reports tab.
  2. Click the Reimburse dropdown and select Via ABA File.
  3. Click Generate ABA and Mark as Reimbursed.
  4. Click Download.
  5. Upload the .aba file to your bank. For additional guidance, use any of the following bank guides:

Send batch payments

Once employees submit their expense reports, a Workspace Admin exports the reports (which contains the employees’ bank account information) and uploads the .aba file to the bank.

Step 1: Verify currency & reimbursement settings

  1. Hover over Settings, then click Workspaces.
  2. Select the desired workspace.
  3. Click the Reports tab on the left.
  4. Click the Report Currency dropdown and select AUD A$.
  5. Click the Reimbursement tab on the left.
  6. Verify that Indirect is selected as the Reimbursement type or select it if not.

Step 2: Download and upload the ABA file

  1. Click the Reports tab.
  2. Use the checkbox on the left to select all the reports needing payment.
  3. Click Bulk Actions and select Reimburse via ABA.
  4. Click Generate ABA and Mark as Reimbursed.
  5. Click Download Report.
  6. Upload the .aba file to your bank. For additional guidance, use any of the following bank guides:

Can I use direct deposit for an AUD bank account?

No, AUD bank accounts do not rely on direct deposit or ACH.

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